
Meet the Wealth Advisor: Ashlee Solarczyk

Our latest staff spotlight is on Ashlee Solarczyk!

Ashlee is a Wealth Advisor at *Copper Leaf Financial. Ashlee is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional (CFP®) and a Certified Wealth Strategist (CWS®). She earned her bachelor’s degree in business and a certificate for entrepreneurial management at the University of Iowa.

What are 3 fun facts about yourself?

  • I went a decade without drinking a sip of pop/soda!
  • I went mountain lion hunting my senior year of high school in Wyoming
  • I’ve ridden in a hot air balloon.

What is your dream travel destination?

I would love to visit Antarctica, if my motion sickness will let me make it through the Drake Passage. Costa Rica has been high on my list for a while too.

If you could pick any superpower to have, what would it be?

I want a photographic memory, although I’m not sure that’s a superpower.

What is something on our bucket list?

I want to hike the highest point of every state, I have done 31 and will be knocking out a few more in April.

What is the first concert you attended?

Destiny’s Child (yes it was incredible).

Where were you born and raised?

The great state of Iowa, go Hawkeyes!  Most recently I spent 12 years living in Arizona.

*Copper Leaf Financial is an affiliated and separately registered entity.

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