Community Outreach

We are committed to the three “P”s: people, planet, and profit

Our relationship with our community has always been the foundation of our success.  At Davis & Hodgdon we are committed to using our resources and expertise to give back and help improve the community in which we work and live.

Specifically, we want to do what we can to contribute to a vibrant and sustainable local economy.

Since the inception of our formal CSR policy in 2013, we have donated over $201,100 in charitable giving and sponsorships, and over $966,000 in pro‐bono and skills‐based services to nonprofit clients and organizations. (updated January 2025)

Cause Areas

To achieve this we invest and partner with organizations that support our cause areas:

  • Financial Literacy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Vermont’s Green Economy

Corporate Responsibility

These cause areas guide and focus our corporate responsibility strategy. We make a difference through various venues including:

  • Signature Partnership
  • Charitable Giving
  • Employee Volunteer Program

Community Partners

In an effort to strengthen community relations, we are also proud contributors and supporters to several Vermont-based organizations.  Our staff provides a high level of service to local groups including:

  • Generator Makerspace
  • Mercy Connections
  • Women Business Owners Network (WBON)
  • Lyric Theatre
  • Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility
  • Vermont Economic Progress Council (VEPC)
  • Age Well

Community Involvement

Our civic-minded staff are actively involved with many nonprofits throughout their communities.

“We appreciate that Davis & Hodgdon makes their staff’s volunteerism possible with investments in company time, expertise, and infrastructure. Allowing an employee time for our monthly board meetings and the use of accounting software will not bring notoriety, but it does not go unnoticed. We are truly grateful for your contribution to our work.”

– Greg Hanson, President, Rebuilding Together, Greater Burlington


In an effort to strengthen community relations and business practices, Davis & Hodgdon is proudly connected to several Vermont-based organizations.

Addison County Economic Development Corporation is dedicated to helping businesses in all stages of growth retain and create good paying jobs in Addison County. ACEDC is organized exclusively for promoting the common business and economic interests of commercial enterprises in Addison County.

Davis & Hodgdon Associates has published articles on the ACEDC blog and they continue to promote the firm’s semi-annual business economic survey to their member organizations throughout Addison County.

Learn more about the Addison County Economic Development Corporation here.

Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR) is a statewide, nonprofit business association with a mission to foster a business ethic in Vermont that recognizes the opportunity and responsibility of the business community to set a high standard for protecting the natural, human, and economic environments of Vermont citizens. 

Learn more here.

Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce (LCRCC) is the largest non-profit business membership organization in Vermont.  The Chamber’s mission is to promote and support a healthy environment that makes the Burlington region and Vermont the ideal place to live, work and do business. 

Learn more here.

Women Business Owners Network (WBON) is a Vermont nonprofit organization that encourages and supports women who own and operate businesses. They foster the economic stability of women-owned businesses and improve the climate for entrepreneurship and small business at the local, state, and national levels through participation in the public policy-making process. Davis & Hodgdon COO Kathryn Diedrichsen has been a member of WBON since 2014 and has served as a board member during that time.

Learn more here.

Vermont Technology Alliance (vtTA) is the only statewide organization focused solely on Vermont’s tech business sector. Their mission is to support, promote and grow technology businesses and jobs in Vermont through advocacy, collaboration, communication, events and projects.

Learn more here.

Vermont Chamber of Commerce is on a mission to help its members grow their businesses and the Vermont economy. As the largest statewide business organization, the Vermont Chamber represents all industries and sectors from tourism to manufacturing to retail to health care to construction to technology.

In July of 2018, Davis & Hodgdon Associates CPAs partnered with the Vermont Chamber of Commerce on a Vermont Small Business Economic Outlook Survey. The survey queried executives at about 140 small- to medium-sized businesses over a diverse set of industries and provided value insights into the current state of Vermont economy.

Learn more here.

The Vermont Employee Ownership Center is a statewide non-profit whose mission is to promote and foster employee ownership in order to broaden capital ownership, deepen employee participation, retain jobs, increase living standards for working families, and stabilize communities.

Learn more here.

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