Vermont Department of Taxes launches small business listening tour – Montpelier, Vt., August 1, 2017—The Vermont Department of Taxes is pleased to announce a statewide listening tour for small businesses. The public meetings, which will be held in St. Johnsbury, Montpelier, Burlington, Rutland and Bennington, are designed to let the department leadership hear from businesses.
“We at the Department of Taxes are eager to hear from businesses across Vermont about how we can help them navigate the sometimes complex Vermont tax code,” said Commissioner Kaj Samsom. “This listening tour and the working group will result in a report to the Vermont legislature. This is an opportunity to express feedback to the department and also suggest larger scale changes for the legislature to consider.”
“The legislature asked for a report on outreach and education for small business owners. Instead of just guessing about what businesses need, we decided to go out and listen,” said Jeffrey Dooley, the Vermont Taxpayer Advocate and lead on the Small Business Taxpayer Outreach and Education Working Group. “I hear from taxpayers every day who are eager for more information about how to comply. The department has made great strides recently, but there are still gaps. I look forward to working with everyone to figure out how to handle those areas.”
The department has planned five locations across Vermont for the listening tour.
August 24: 10:00a.m. – 12:00 p.m., GMP Energy Center, Rutland
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Fire Facility, Bennington
Feedback from these sessions will be incorporated in the Taxpayer Advocate’s annual report, as well as in a report due to the legislature in November on specific recommendations for small businesses. If you are unable to attend one of these sessions, you may submit feedback via email [email protected].
For more information, visit and search “Small Business Listening Tour,” or contact the Commissioner’s Office at 802-828-3763.