Putting a plan in place to get you back up and running after a disaster is very important, especially for businesses.  The more time you put into developing a Disaster Recovery Plan now, the faster you will be able to get up and operating again.  Different areas throughout the country have different types of disasters that present different risks, but there are some common things to all disasters that should be considered and built into your plan, including:

  • The types of disasters that could occur and what to do in the event of each (evacuation route, places providing shelter, etc.)
  • How you will communicate with your family or employees (cell phones, walkie-talkies, phone chain, etc.)
  • How you will retrieve your back up data
  • Putting together a disaster supplies kit, including food, water and a generator. 
  • What data or equipment should be removed from the office, and who is responsible for removing it, if time allows.
  • Businesses should consider the bare essentials that they will need to continue their operations.  A hot site, where the business can reload their data and begin operations again should be designated and a plan for getting back up and running should be designed.

If you would like to develop a Disaster Recovery Plan, but are not sure where to start, check out www.ready.gov as a starting point.  This website provides tips for families and businesses and can be a valuable resource.

Jordan Nellé, CPA
Davis & Hodgdon Associates, CPAs
September 2011

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