VT Recognizes Over 200 Businesses for Green Practices
Davis & Hodgdon Associates is the only accounting and financial services firm recognized by the Vermont Business Environmental Partnership (VBEP) for environmental stewardship and sustainability efforts.
The VBEP is a state program that provides assistance to businesses desiring to “green up” their operations and recognizes businesses of all sizes for meeting a set of environmental standards.
The VBEP program that started in 1998 now has 109 Green Hotels, 12 Green Restaurants, 4 Clean Marinas, 3 Green Links golf Courses, 69 general sector business Environmental Partners, and 5 Environmental Leaders. All of these businesses have implemented a variety of environmental best management practices including: energy and water conservation measures; waste reduction and recycling; environmentally preferable or green purchasing; communication of their environmental improvements; and various other best management practices.
For more information about VBEP or to view a list of members please visit: www.vbep.org.