VT Health Connect Launches Estimator Tool for Small Businesses
Vermont Health Connect has launched its “Small Business Estimator” tool to help small businesses answer important questions about offering health coverage in 2014. The tool, available at VermontHealthConnect.gov, is an important resource for Vermont small businesses to determine if they are eligible to use the health insurance marketplace and to compare the cost of providing health insurance with not providing coverage.
For the full article please visit VBM: http://www.vermontbiz.com/news/august/vermont-health-connect-launches-estimator-tool-vermont%E2%80%99s-small-businesses?utm_source=VBM+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=6d178b59ac-eHealth_8_27_20138_27_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_85838110bc-6d178b59ac-286301905