FUSE reports traditional consumer segmentation is dead
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Vermont Business Magazine – Marketers, including those focused on Gen Z and Millennials, routinely use demographic analysis to help craft a brand’s message, positioning and marketing. By grouping consumers mainly by age, geography, ethnicity, gender, income and family status, marketers have been able to draw conclusions about that group’s shared interests and consumption behaviors, according to Fuse, a marketing agency based in Burlington. But the assumptions we’ve grown to accept from traditional demographic segments are often no longer reliable. We’ve entered a new era of how we must study consumers — what trendwatching.com (link is external) calls “post-demographic consumerism.”
Consumers today construct their identity based on their interests with little regard to their age, gender, ethnicity, etc. Their individual interests are driving their behavior and consumption habits. For many brands, this creates growth opportunities (and challenges); consider the skateboard brand whose targets can now include “skate dads” in addition to their traditional target of 13-19 year olds.
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