Fletcher/CSI Will Lead a Workshop on Win/Loss and the CI Adventure Games at SCIP in Atlanta, GA
Congrats to our client in the news!
Erik Glitman, CEO of Fletcher/CSI, will facilitate two strategy activities at the 32nd Annual SCIP International Conference in Atlanta during May 15-18, 2017. The first activity, WS4 – Developing a Win/Loss Program, will take place on May 15 between 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM. This half-day workshop will use best-in-class examples from proven Win/Loss programs to explore the applications of Win/Loss to CI. Participants will complete reports that demonstrate the types of competitive and strategic insights gained through effective Win/Loss.
The second strategy activity is the CI Adventure Games, which will last the duration of the conference from May 16-18, 2017. Participants will break into teams to solve a CI business challenge. In order to increase the level of engagement and interactivity between conference attendees, CI Adventure Games participants will actively speak with booth exhibitors, SCIP members, and presentation speakers to help them solve the business case.
Erik Glitman and the Fletcher/CSI team is looking forward to attending SCIP to facilitate the workshops as industry thought leaders, and to meet with hundreds of other CI professionals to discuss the latest in industry trends. The focus of SCIP U.S. 2017 is “Developing and Engaging the Modern Intelligence Workshop.” For more information about the 32nd Annual SCIP International Conference, please visit: http://www.scip2017international.com/agenda.
About Fletcher/CSI
Fletcher/CSI delivers strategic decision support to Fortune 500 clients, and works with affiliates in 20+ countries to gain insights about global markets. Founded in 1988, Fletcher/CSI is one of the longest-standing primary research firms in the competitive intelligence and strategic consulting industry, delivering best-in-class research and analysis. Fletcher/CSI staff are regular speakers at leading industry events, including SCIP, and are considered true thought leaders. Reports deliver simple, powerful, and insightful intelligence that informs critical business decisions so clients can stay competitive. To learn more, visit www.fletchercsi.com.