Vermont Business Owners: Take Our Survey; Tell Us What You Think About the State’s Economic Climate

VT Business Owners:

Simply click here and take our brief 5-minute survey of Vermont small- to medium-sized businesses related to the economy and local business!

The results of the survey will be compared to the results from the previous five surveys and published and shared with all participants as well as the local media in February 2016.

The survey will be open until Tuesday, January 26th.

Please take this survey

Davis & Hodgdon Associates CPAs is a full-service public accounting firm with offices in Williston and Rutland Vermont. The firm is a member of Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR), Vermont Business Environmental Partnership (VBEP), Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce (LCRCC), Vermont Chamber of Commerce, and Women Business Owners Network (WBON).  The firm serves its clients by providing progressive, proactive services through expert staff, sophisticated technology, and unparalleled efficiency.

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