Virtual Townhall: Strategic Tax Planning for 2022 and Beyond

*Copper Leaf Financial is holding a free virtual townhall on Wednesday, September 14th: “Strategic Tax Planning for 2022 and Beyond

Wednesday, September 14th, 12-1pm ET

Registration Link:

Guest: Jeffrey Levine, CFP ®, CPA, PFS, CWS, AIF, Buckingham Strategic Wealth

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has been passed by the Senate. How does it affect you and what impact does it have on tax planning opportunities? Aside from the new legislation there are additional considerations that need to be made prior to year-end so join us for our September virtual townhall.

Click here or on the image to register for this event.


Michael L. Thompson, CAP®, AIF®, AEP® of Copper Leaf Financial welcomes Jeffrey Levine, CFP®, CPA, PFS, CWS, AIF, Chief Planning Officer of Buckingham Strategic Wealth. They will discuss the possible upcoming changes that could affect investors financial plans and tax rules that are scheduled to sunset. They will also examine the potential impact these factors could have on your estate plan, retirement savings and budget.

Join us, bring your questions, and find out what planning opportunities are now available to you as a result of the new legislation!

More about Jeffrey Levine:

As Chief Planning Officer, Jeffrey serves as a technical resource for advisors and the firm’s primary thought leader regarding evidence-based planning concepts and strategies. He excels at distilling complex financial laws and policy into understandable resources. His work at Buckingham gives him the ability to train and educate hundreds of advisors and support them in their pursuit of helping clients fulfill their financial dreams.

Jeffrey is a nationally recognized thought leader within the financial planning community. He is the lead financial planning nerd for, home of the popular Nerd’s Eye View blog, and the founder of Fully Vested Advice, Inc., which provides financial education and consulting services to industry professionals. For more information about Jeffrey please click here.

*Copper Leaf Financial is an affiliated and separately registered entity.

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