Virtual Event: Estate Planning Essentials During a Pandemic
Estate Planning Essentials During a Pandemic
Wednesday, September 30th, 2020
Time: 12:30PM – 1:00PM
Virtual Zoom Meeting
Join us for our next virtual roundtable “Estate Planning Essentials During a Pandemic” hosted by Michael L. Thompson, CAP®, AIF®, AEP® of Copper Leaf Financial and featuring Adam Bartsch, Esq. Adam is the owner of NorthEast Estates and Trusts, PLLC in Shelburne, VT. His firm has been focused solely on estate planning since 2004, and deals with all issues around incapacity planning, guardianships, wills, probate, trusts and trust administration, advanced planning and asset preservation.
In this roundtable discussion we will go over each of the primary documents needed in the event of illness or accident, and the reasons some clients choose a will and others choose a trust to manage their affairs when they die. Participants will learn the basics so they can start making informed decisions about these important documents.
Limited space available so please register via EventBrite or click on the image below and feel free to bring a friend!
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