October 17 is the Tax Extension Deadline
Important information from the Vermont Department of Taxes:
If you filed an extension, your final filing due date this year is October 17 for the following returns and claims:
- IN-111 Vermont individual income tax return and any related forms
- HS-122, Section A: Homestead Declaration
- HS-122, Section B: Property Tax Adjustment claim (with HI-144)
- PR-141 Renter Rebate claim (with HI-144 and LC-142)
Regarding the Homestead Declaration:
- The Homestead Declaration due date was April 18. Late filed declarations are accepted until October 17, but will be charged a late filing penalty by the municipality up to 8% of the corrected education tax.
- The Tax Department may also charge a late filing fee of $15.
- If you fail to file the declaration by October 17, your property will be classified as nonresidential in which case you must pay the higher of the two rates, a penalty, and any additional property tax and interest due.
For more information you can call our office in Williston (802) 878-1963 or Rutland (802) 775-7132.
You can also visit the Vermont Department of Taxes website for more details: http://tax.vermont.gov/property-owners/homestead-declaration/filing-checklist