Rutland Vermont Celebrates Winter in August
Davis & Hodgdon was honored to sponsor and participate in one of the Rutland Vermont community’s most popular annual events, “Winter in August”.
This year the event was held at the Vermont Farmer’s Food Center. Hundreds showed up as Davis & Hodgdon served cotton candy in our signature blue and green color scheme. John Davis, Managing Partner, was an appointed food judge and fun was had by all!
Winter In August is held in recognition of the ski industry’s contribution to the regional economy. Approximately 500 people attend each year. Restaurants donate portions of food, there are bars set up, and a DJ adds to the festivities. The event draws local, state and US dignitaries.
Lori Pavich, Bobbi Lassen, and Martha Leonard of Davis & Hodgdon Associates CPAs serve up cotton candy at this year’s Winter in August event.