COVID-19 Business Coaching Available for Farm, Food & Forest Sector Businesses
The Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program, a program of the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board is expanding services to help working land businesses navigate urgent needs related to COVID-19. Funding for this program is coming from the State of Vermont, allocated by the Vermont Legislature.
In the height of the pandemic the Viability Program offered services that helped businesses connect with critical support resources and access a variety of relief programs. With the additional direct services planned to be offered the Viability Program is help working land entrepreneurs navigate a range of pandemic impacts and advance along the path to recovery.
Starting in July, the Viability Program will offer coaching to farm, food, and forest products businesses to meet urgent COVID-19 related needs, in addition to its regular long-term services. Eligible business owners will complete an application to be matched with a professional business advisor who will assist them with navigating state and federal relief programs and the recently launched Economic Recovery Bridge Grants.
Application for the Viability Program’s COVID-related coaching services are currently being accepted. More information and applications are available here. For More information about the Viability Program please click here.
Resource: COVID-19 Business Coaching Available for Farm, Food & Forest Sector Businesses by Vermont Business Magazine